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Funding applied global health research and training

Explore how we provide funding that aims to benefit people living in low and middle income countries.

Global Advanced Fellowships

A career development programme to support mid-career, post-doctoral researchers. The scheme creates a career pathway for Global Health researchers from the UK and low and middle income countries to become research leaders.

Global Health Development Awards

These awards support underpinning work for the development of high-quality global health research proposals and applications. This is to help award holders and their institutions secure further research funding from the NIHR and other funders.

Global Health Partnership Funding

Joint funding programmes between NIHR and other global health organisations. Programmes are open to researchers in low and middle income countries and in the UK.

Global Health Policy and Systems Research

A funding programme supporting research to improve whole health systems and services in low and middle income countries.

Global Health Research – Researcher-led

This programme aims to improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable people in low and middle income countries. The researcher-led aspect allows applicants to apply for funding for research topics of their choice.

Global Health Research Centres

Centres which fund research-driven partnerships between UK institutions and those in low and middle income countries. Partnerships aim to undertake high quality applied health research and strengthen research capacity.

Global Health Research Groups

A funding programme to support UK universities to grow their research in global health. It supports institutions looking to build new partnerships with researchers in low and middle income countries, or expand their current work.

Global Health Research Training Programme

Training to support the development of Global Health researchers in the NIHR Academy to become leaders in global health in low and middle income countries and in the UK. 

Global Health Research Units

A funding programme to support global health partnerships to undertake new programmes of health research. Partnerships are between researchers in the UK and those in low and middle income countries.

Global Research Professorships

A career development programme to support outstanding academics to work at professorial level. The programme funds researchers whose work aims to benefit people in low and middle income countries.

Research on Interventions for Global Health Transformation

A funding programme to support health research in low and middle income countries on areas of unmet need. The programme supports collaborative research and targets investments which bring a transformative impact.

New surgical devices improve access to surgery in low-resource settings

The NIHR Global Health Research Group in Surgical Technologies has developed and trained surgeons to use innovative new devices, enabling routine surgery in remote communities in low-resource settings.